Whitaker Street, Te Aroha
0064 27 922 0530

Vendor Information Twilight

    Aroha Cruise In Vendor Registration, Te Aroha,
    Saturday 4th February 2023

    To apply for a Trade site at Aroha Cruise In, Te Aroha, please complete the form below and return a.s.a.p.
    Sites will be allocated via first come first paid system. Stallholders will be advised of their site number by email before September 1st 2023. Gates open at 7am for set up and are officially open to the public at 9am.

    Craft and Trade Stalls will be set up in Kenrick Street Te Aroha. Alternate areas will be at the discretion of
    the Organiser.


    ● Vehicles must be removed from the area following unloading as soon as possible, or 8.30am at the latest -
    this is strictly enforced. (Vehicles may only remain on site if they are required as part of stall holders set up
    and must be fully within the allocated site size). No car boot sales sorry.

    ● Parking is available on Church Street Te Aroha.
    $80 6x3m (wide x deep) per site

    ● Trade Stall Site: You may book as many sites as you like (for an additional charge). Please note: Aroha
    Cruise-In Society provides site only. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to provide all equipment and materials
    for the exhibit. If power is required exhibitors will need to organise this themselves or provide own


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